Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How big of a pot does a sweet pea vine plant need?

I planted some seeds in the little red plastic cups, and they're doing good! I've never really planted anything before, and i wanted to grow some things on my balcony. How big of a pot should i transport them to? And when? Any tips on growing sweet peas would be awesome!

How big of a pot does a sweet pea vine plant need?

you should be able to transplant your sweet peas if you do it before they get too leggy. The roots on these plants are surprising thin, but plentiful and don't need a heck of a lot of space... 5 gallon would be plenty. Since you're gorwing in a controlled environment, you'll have to pay closer attention to the watering needs, and I would give the plants some general fertilizer peridoically.

Remember too, peas are somewhat of a cool weather plant, so avoid long periods of time in direct, hot sunlight.

good luck
Reply:5-10 gallon pot. You will need a trellis too. They might not transplant well though.

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